Focus Tops Story

Why did we first make the Focus Spinning Top? 

Back when I was in high school in Sechelt, BC there was an after-school program run completely by volunteer teachers called “Cool School”. 

It was a program were kids could go use the school machine shop to learn more shop skills and use the shop equipment for fun and interesting projects. 

It was designed to get kids interested and excited about a trade. 

This is where I developed my love for machining.

Year’s later I moved back to my hometown. I had become a machinist and in 2011 started Focus Machining & Design. 

I also started volunteering as a teacher at Cool School, where we were trying to encourage the next generation of kids to become interested in a trade.

We had just got a CNC lathe and were excited about it, so we decided to invite the kids from Cool School out to the shop for a demonstration.

e wanted to machine something that they could watch from start to finish. 

We came up with the idea of a small spinning top, and everyone got to take one home with them! 

The Focus Top was a hit and we hope you enjoy the new and improved version!

Happy spinning!